Reportage vidéoReportage vidéo
©Reportage vidéo|C. Sola / Dombes Cotière Tourisme

Voices of actors

Dombes Tourisme and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme give a voice to tourism stakeholders and thus highlight feedback.

Discover them as well as some portraits of actors.

Feedbacks Provider interviews

In 2020, unable to hold our usual season review, we reached out to you and collected your feedbacks.

We wanted your feedbacks on specific actions: tourist reception outside the office, publication of walking and cycling route sheets highlighting other activities, organization of events, and the “accommodation + entry to the bird park” package.

Accueil Hors les Murs

The experiment was conclusive! The Off-Site Reception complements the physical reception, and the truck allowed us to reach people who would never have entered the tourist office.

Dombes Tourisme - Accueil Hors les Murs
Dombes Tourisme - Accueil Hors les Murs
Dombes Tourisme - Accueil Hors les Murs
Sur les fiches balades - Au Cœur de la Dombes
Sur les fiches balades - Au Cœur de la Dombes
Sur les fiches balades - Au Cœur de la Dombes

Fiches balades

Our offer of walking and cycling routes is appreciated but still insufficient…

Other routes are under development.

The entire territory will gradually be covered and enhanced by this updated and maintained offer of tourist walks.

Balades commentées et animations

The guided and themed walks around the ponds and the visits to Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne for individuals are gradually gaining traction. Participants leave with a smile, which gives us great satisfaction.

Moreover, they are a good link with the organization of events such as the Night of Nature.

Note that if you welcome a group of 5 people who wish to enjoy these activities outside school holiday periods, do not hesitate to ask Michael! If available, he will accompany and guide your clients. This is part of the service the office can provide…

Sur l'accompagnement global - Come On Fish
Sur l'accompagnement global - Come On Fish
Sur l'accompagnement global - Come On Fish
Partenariat avec le Parc des Oiseaux
Partenariat avec le Parc des Oiseaux
Partenariat avec le Parc des Oiseaux

Partenariat Parc des Oiseaux

The partnership continues, and the offer expands! More than ever, Dombes Tourisme relies on the tourism engine of our territory. The collaboration is bearing fruit, and if you wish to join this adventure, do not hesitate to contact Carine and Nathalie. We will accompany and guide you in this project!

Voices of actors in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Tourisme offers numerous portraits of actors and also gives the floor to tourism providers on many themes.

Very short and fun videos to watch without moderation!

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